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I’ve been home a week, and I guess I should be happy that nothing changed while I was gone. Including the debris of dinner, sports practices, and unwashed laundry. I admit that I crave preciseness and order in my life. I try to order things that seems disordered. I am sure this heavily influenced by the fact that I spent my late teens through my early 30s as property of the U.S. Navy and my collegiate years were spent at that school on the Bay.

So you can imagine that when I come home from a long trip, or after a 90 minute ride home from work, I am greatly annoyed by finding dirty dishes, piles of laundry, tree branches still in the front yard cut from a tree that had been there for a week, or the months worth of mail that was never opened.

Am I the only one that ever feels like this? I feel like every time I complete a project, another 4 appear. There is so much clutter in my house. I have tried using the Kondo method but when the rest of the house isn’t on board, it doesn’t stay organized for long. It’s depressing. The more I fight against the problem, the worse it seems to get. It seems like my husband doesn’t care, or is too lazy to care. He claims I care too much. Surely there must be a compromise?